Our reservation policy is 25 days in advance from current date.

For selected seating at your table is avaliable until

Please Sir/Madam, choose your title
Name of person who is making reservation
Surname of person who is making reservation
Enter your mobile in case we need to contact you
You will receive CONFIRMATION on this email
Please confirm your email again
Number of adults
Number of children from ages 0 – 17

Reservation rules

Your reservation will not be confirmed until you receive EMAIL notification from us.

In case you didn't received confirmation for our side it means that your reservation is NOT VALID or we don't have free tables.

Credit Card Policy: Your credit card details are solely to guarantee the reservation. In case of late cancellation ( after 5PM on the day itself ) or in case of NO-SHOW you will be CHARGED - 50 € per person.

Dress code: Casual / Casual Elegant

Reservation Q&A

Do you charge my credit card for X € when i make reservation ?
We don't charge your credit card instead we do pre-authorization - a temporary hold placed on your payment card.

In what situation do you charge my credit card ?
Your credit card will be charge if you don't make cancellation before 5PM on day of your reservation or on NO-SHOW

When will your system release pre-authorized amount ?
Your pre-authorization will be released 48h after your reservation date from our system which is connected to our bank
From our experience to recive money refound after our bank has released it takes from 1 to 10 days to be returned to your credit card or IBAN
Please contact your credit card bank deparment to check when they will release it.
On your confirmation EMAIL there is APPROVAL CODE (ID of pred-authorization) which is used for comunication between our banks. With this approval code you can ask your bank for transcation details and information about return of money.

Does amount pre-authorizated on my credit card can be taken form the bill at the end of the meal ?
Our system will start proccess of returning your money soon as you leave our restaurant.

Why can't i pay with my AMEX (American Express) ?
In some cases our bank can decline AMEX as in EU you need to have 3D secure system activated. Please check underneath which cards do we support.

Can i use my DEBIT card to make pre-authorization on your system ?
Yes you can, but be AWARE that you will be CHARGED immediately, so we are recommending that you use CREDIT CARD.